Alice Person House B&B - A colonial Bed and Breakfast located in Williamsburg, VA and a short distance from Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area and the College of William & Mary
A Williamsburg Bed and Breakfast

Alice Person House B&B - A colonial Bed and Breakfast located in Williamsburg, VA and a short distance from Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area and the College of William & Mary

Williamsburg VA Weather

The weather in Williamsburg is pleasant year round! The following chart shows monthly averages for the year. We have four distinct seasons, with winter not as pronounced as it is further North. This is one of the appealing reasons for our Northern friends to visit. Use our chart to note your favorite temperatures and plan a vacation or getaway to Williamsburg! Each month / season has its own advantages to visiting. See you soon!


Weather in Williamsburg

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Bed & Breakfast Association of Virginia
Inspected & Approved

Alice Person House B&B - A colonial Bed and Breakfast located in Williamsburg, VA and a short distance from  Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area and the College of William & Mary
A Williamsburg, VA Bed and Breakfast
616 Richmond Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Phone: 757-291-7030
Email: [email protected]

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